Hi guys! We’re Hannah and Max, two 20-something adults from California currently traveling the world while both working full time. Hannah is a corporate tech girly who works remote and Max is a Firefighter.
We are on a mission to see as much of the world as we possibly can with our PTO (Paid Time Off). We are so fortunate because Max gets about 7 weeks off per year and Hannah has unlimited PTO so between Hannah working on airplanes, trains, and on car rides, and Max being able to trade shifts with co-workers, we have plenty of opportunities to be able to travel.
We both grew up loving to travel – Hannah traveled with her family often when she was little and Max grew up traveling back and forth to and from New Zealand frequently as his whole dad’s side of the family lives in New Zealand. And yes, he is a dual citizen! Our first big trip we took together was a three-month long journey where Max got to show me his New Zealand home and we also hopped over to Australia and Bali. Ever since, we have been obsessed with traveling and experiencing new cultures and ways of life together.
We’ve learned so much on our travels and our greatest hope is that we can share some of our experiences so you can also go out and see the world with some tips and tricks under your belt!